Council History
St Clare of Assisi Parish was founded by Bishop Thomas O'Brien in July of 2000. Father John Coleman was appointed the first Pastor. Masses were originally held in the Kingswood Elementary School, until a church site was purchased and two temporary buildings were moved to the site.
Just before Thanksgiving 2000, District Deputy Ron Roth, State Membership Chairman Stan Schroeder, and Former District Deputy Bob Bluhm spoke to Fr. John about forming a Knights of Columbus Council in the parish. The reply was an enthusiastic YES!
The St Clare of Assisi Council officially applied for the charter on March 31, 2001.
Star Council
2007-2008 John Finan GK
2006-2007 John Finan GK
2003-2004 Brian Byrnes GK
2002-2003 Brian Byrnes GK
2001-2002 Bill VanSkiver GK
2007-2008 John Finan GK
2006-2007 John Finan GK
2003-2004 Brian Byrnes GK
2002-2003 Brian Byrnes GK
2001-2002 Bill VanSkiver GK

Charter District Deputy Ron Roth and Charter Grand Knight Bill VanSkiver are joined by State Deputy Larry Costanzo after our first official Council Meeting.

On March 25, 2000, Bob Bluhm (left) and Felix Maccagnano (right) escorted Tom Spiegelmire, Bill Gilmore, and Joe Pipitone to the first First Degree Exemplification of the new Council.

Father John Coleman enjoys brunch with his Brother Knights and their wives following the first Corporate Communion Mass.

Before the Council was a year old, Brother Jim Acker, a charter officer, felt that parishioners needed a means to socialize and get acquainted. He started by serving coffee and donuts after Mass each Sunday. Photo is of Jim and Leona Acker and Don Slattery (RIP) awaiting the crowd after Mass.